Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to improve irrigation services and to
promote improved farming practices for farmers in the irrigated areas of the
Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Scheme.
The envisaged project components are as follows:
1, Scheme Modernization (US$52.9 million, mainly civil works): will support
the construction and modernization of the lower-order irrigation
infrastructure, including the sub-branch canals, tertiary canals, and water
courses. The activities will include design and execution of irrigation and
drainage subsystems below the Branch Canals and down to the Field Outlet
levels, including not only the irrigation subsystems but also related
river-training and flood-protection works, collector and tertiary drains, and
control structures.The Activities proposed under scheme modernization including
the objectives and responsibilities are presented in Annex 2.1. The expected results of this
component are
Assured and regulated
irrigation water delivery and distribution up to the farm level;
(b) Improved
management of the irrigation systems;
Flood and erosion control in
the command area;
(d) Improved
access to the agricultural production areas; and
Better management of environment
during and post-construction.
2, Agricultural Production Support and Strengthening Water Users Banks/Groups
(WUAs/WUGs) (US$13.4 million): will support: (i) strengthening WUAs/WUGs to
assume responsibility for management, operation, and maintenance of the
modernized system; and (ii) carrying out a series of agriculture-based
activities in the project area to internalize the gains made in phase 1 and to
increase and sustain agricultural production through the promotion of
water-smart improved farming practices, crop diversification, post-harvest
support, farmer training through demonstrations and farmer field schools, and
other adaptive processes. Thus the second phase will adopt value-chain-based
approach to support agricultural activities.
Subcomponent 2a.The activities will include carrying out a
program of activities, including capacity building and training to strengthen
WUAs/WUCs to assume responsibility for management, operation, and maintenance
(MOM) of the modernized system, including proper and equitable distribution of
water, water use, development, and implementation of MOM plans; setting ISFs;
proper maintenance of records and accounts; promoting citizen engagement (CE)
and gender mainstreaming for participatory irrigation management (that is, the
aforementioned GoN’s JPM program), a Gender Action Plan (GAP) as part of a
Vulnerable Community Development Plan (VCDP), and participatory monitoring,
learning, and evaluation. The GAP includes awareness raising, capacity development trainings,
farmer field school (FFS), agriculture-based training, small farm machinery
support to women members, compensation to female-headed households (FHHs), and
so on.
Subcomponent 2b. The subcomponent will carry out a series of agriculture-based
activities in the project area, building on the capacity developed by Phase 1,
which created the Agriculture Component Implementation Unit (ACIU) (under the
Department of Agriculture [DoA]) at Tikapur. Phase 2 will support a value chain
approach to internalize the gains made in Phase 1 and to sustain agricultural
production through the promotion of climate-smart agriculture and livestock
practices, crop diversification, post-harvest support (storage, grading, and
marketing), farmer training, production and block demonstrations and FFS, and
other adaptive processes. The agricultural activities will be aligned with the
ADS by focusing on high-value crops, taking advantage of the irrigation
improvements. This subcomponent will thus finance extension and outreach
services (including through sub-grants),technology adoption support (mainly
through small performance-based subgrants [see annex 1]), soil management practices,
plant protection and seed testing mini-lab and equipment, mechanization support
(through the provision of matching grants), post-harvest support and marketing
(including through sub-grants), promotion of livestock activities for income
generation and nutrition needs, support program for landless and marginalized
poor people, support for marginal and flood-affected land, training and study
visits, and vehicles and logistics. Provision of matching grants will be made
through an agreement between the ACIU and the eligible beneficiaries following
a fair and transparent process as guided by the Project Implementation Manual
(PIM) to be finalized by project effectiveness to ensure compliance with the
fiduciary requirements.
Component 3,
Project Management (US$5.5 million, including goods, technical assistance and
capacity building): will support activities to ensure effective project
management, including fiduciary and safeguards management and monitoring and
evaluation. The activities to be implemented under component 3 are presented in
Annex 2.2 along with the objectives, responsibilities and possible outcomes.
Cost and Financing
The proposed project is financed by IDA
loan in the amount of 66 US$, millions. Government co-financing of 2.8 US$, millions.
In kind contribution of 3 US$, millions to be provided by Beneficiaries. The
project will have different co-financing arrangements, based on funding flows
for each component. Under all components, co-financing of IDA and borrower
funds will be “joint financing” with different IDA percentages.
Components by Financiers (US$, millions) |
IDA Loan |
Government |
Beneficiaries |
Total |
Amount |
% |
Amount |
% |
Amount |
% |
Amount |
% |
1 |
51.3 |
96.9 |
0.8 |
1.4 |
0.9 |
1.7 |
52.9 |
73.7 |
2 |
11.3 |
84.4 |
0.0 |
— |
2.1 |
15.6 |
13.4 |
18.6 |
3 |
3.4 |
62.1 |
2.1 |
37.9 |
— |
— |
5.5 |
7.7 |
Total project
costs |
66.0 |
91.9 |
2.8 |
3.9 |
3.0 |
4.2 |
71.8 |
100.0 |